Frequently Asked Questions
When are appointments scheduled?
We are happy to accommodate your availability. Our online booking system enables you to conveniently schedule appointments at your preferred time. We have flexible time slots, including weekends and weekday evenings, to suit your schedule.
What should I do if I need to reschedule an appointment?
If you need to reschedule an appointment, simply send us an email at, and we'll assist you with the necessary adjustments.
What do studies involve?
How long does the study take?
The sessions are 25 to 30 minutes in total, involving 5 minutes of set-up, 15-20 minutes for the activity, and 5 minutes to debrief and wrap-up.
My child has previously participated in experiments within your lab. Are they eligible to participate again?
Yes, as long as they have not participated in this particular study.
How can I find out the results of the study?
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns about the study. If you choose to provide us with your phone number or e-mail address, we can send you an e-mail in the future informing you of the overall results of our research. Once published, the results of our research studies are regularly posted on the lab's website (
How do you protect the privacy of kids?
To ensure confidentiality, each participant's video recording and consent will be identified by a number, not by name. A list of participants will be kept to prevent duplicate testing. Only our research team will access named data files. Study reports won't reveal individual identities. Files are secured on password-protected servers.
By signing the consent form, you only consent for the video to be viewed by the research team. You choose to consent to the video being shown for educational/academic purposes but not shared, or for the video to be shared with the broader public. Videos of participants will only be shared in online repositories if participants have given consent for the public sharing of their video. You can change your level of video release consent at any time.
My computer does not have a microphone/webcam, can my child still participate in a study?
Unfortunately, functional microphone and webcam are prerequisites for our online studies.
Are there any specific technical prerequisites, such as the compatibility of tablets for participation?
For this study, you will need a computer, access to the internet, and a Zoom account. If you do not have a Zoom account, you can click here to find details on how to create one.
If two of my children are participating, can they be in the same room while one of them is doing an online study?
To maintain study integrity, we kindly request that eligible siblings refrain from observing the participating child. This precaution is to ensure the study results remain unaffected.
Can I be present during the experiment itself?
In this study, a parent/guardian needs to be present to act as an in-person “listener” for the child.